Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Differentiate the following:
Simple reflex and conditioned reflex

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Doubtnut Promotions Sticky
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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Simple Reflex:
- A simple reflex, also known as an unconditioned reflex, is an automatic and involuntary response to a stimulus. It occurs without conscious thought and is a natural reaction of the body.
- Example: When you touch a hot surface, your hand immediately withdraws without any conscious decision.

2. Characteristics of Simple Reflex:
- Involuntary: The action occurs automatically without any control.
- Innate Behavior: It is a natural response that is hardwired into the nervous system.
- Quick Response: The response is typically very fast, as it involves a direct pathway through the spinal cord.

3. Definition of Conditioned Reflex:
- A conditioned reflex, also known as a learned reflex, is a response that is developed through experience and learning. It involves a stimulus that has been associated with a specific response over time.
- Example: If a person learns to flinch at the sound of a bell because it has been paired with a painful experience, this response is a conditioned reflex.

4. Characteristics of Conditioned Reflex:
- Voluntary: The action can be controlled and is often a result of previous experiences.
- Learned Behavior: It is not innate but developed through conditioning and learning.
- Variable Response Time: The response time may vary based on the individual's experiences and learning.

5. Comparison Table:

| Feature | Simple Reflex | Conditioned Reflex |
| Nature | Involuntary | Voluntary |
| Type of Behavior | Innate (unlearned) | Learned |
| Example | Withdrawal from a hot surface | Flinching at the sound of a bell |
| Response Time | Quick and automatic | May vary based on learning |
