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How can we use air as an insulator? Give examples.

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Step-by-Step Solution

1. Understanding Thermal Conductivity of Air:
- Air has a low thermal conductivity value of approximately 0.025 watts per meter Kelvin. This means that air does not easily conduct heat, making it a good insulator.

2. Using Air in Building Design:
- In building construction, walls can be designed with an air gap between two layers. For example, if you have an outer wall and an inner wall with a gap of air in between, this air gap will reduce the heat transfer between the inside and outside of the building.
- This design helps maintain a stable temperature inside the room, regardless of the external temperature.

3. Example of Insulating Clothing:
- Woolen clothing is another example of how air acts as an insulator. Wool fibers trap air within their structure, creating pockets of air that reduce heat loss from the body. This keeps the wearer warm in cold conditions.

4. Conclusion:
- In summary, air can be effectively used as an insulator in various applications, such as in building designs with air gaps and in clothing made from materials like wool that trap air.
