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A-horizon is also known as __________.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Soil Horizons: Soil is structured in layers known as horizons. Each horizon has distinct characteristics and compositions.

2. Identifying the A Horizon: The A horizon is the topmost layer of soil in the soil profile. It is crucial for plant growth and is rich in organic material.

3. Recognizing the Other Name: The A horizon is commonly referred to as "topsoil." This layer contains the highest concentration of nutrients and organic matter, making it vital for agriculture and plant life.

4. Significance of Topsoil: Topsoil is important because it contains humus, which is decomposed organic matter that enriches the soil and provides essential nutrients for plants.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, the A horizon is also known as "topsoil."

Final Answer: A-horizon is also known as topsoil.

