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Name the various types of soils and the basis of their classification.

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Soil Classification:
- Soils are classified based on their texture, which is determined by the size of the soil particles.

2. Identifying Types of Soil:
- The main types of soil include:
- Sand: Coarse particles that allow for good drainage.
- Silt: Medium-sized particles that retain moisture better than sand.
- Clay: Fine particles that hold water well but have poor drainage.

3. Combining Soil Types:
- Soils can also be a combination of these types, leading to classifications like:
- Loamy Sand: A mix of sand and silt, with some clay.
- Sandy Clay: A mix that has more clay but still contains sand.
- Silty Clay: A mix that has more clay but contains silt.

4. Variability in Soil Composition:
- The percentage of each type of particle can vary, leading to different soil characteristics and classifications.

Summary of Soil Types:
- Sand
- Silt
- Clay
- Loamy Sand
- Sandy Clay
- Silty Clay

Basis of Classification:
- The classification is primarily based on the texture of the soil, which is determined by the particle size.

