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It is advisable that we reduce our usage of conventional sources of energy and use non conventional sources instead. However, when compared to the conventional sources of energy the non-conventional sources


Have lesser calorific values


Release greater toxic gases


Are in greater danger of getting exhausted


Pose a more serious threat to the enviromnent

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Step-by-Step Solution

1. Understanding Conventional and Non-Conventional Sources of Energy:
- Conventional sources of energy include fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. These sources are finite and can lead to environmental issues.
- Non-conventional sources of energy include renewable resources like solar, wind, and hydro energy. These sources are sustainable and have a minimal environmental impact.

2. Comparing Calorific Value:
- The calorific value refers to the amount of energy produced from combustion. Conventional sources typically have a higher calorific value compared to non-conventional sources.
- This means that conventional sources can produce more energy per unit burned than non-conventional sources.

3. Toxic Gas Emissions:
- Conventional sources of energy often release toxic gases (like carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide) when burned, which contribute to air pollution and climate change.
- Non-conventional sources generally produce little to no toxic emissions, making them cleaner options for energy production.

4. Exhaustion of Resources:
- Conventional sources are at risk of depletion as they are finite. Once consumed, they cannot be replenished within a human timeframe.
- Non-conventional sources, being renewable, will not run out as they are naturally replenished (e.g., sunlight, wind).

5. Environmental Impact:
- Conventional energy sources pose a greater threat to the environment due to pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
- Non-conventional sources have a much lower environmental impact, contributing to a healthier ecosystem.

6. Conclusion:
- The main differences highlight that non-conventional sources have a lower calorific value, produce fewer toxic gases, are not at risk of exhaustion, and pose less threat to the environment compared to conventional sources.

Final Answer
When compared to conventional sources of energy, non-conventional sources have a lesser calorific value, release fewer toxic gases, are not in danger of getting exhausted, and oppose a more serious threat to the environment.
