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Define the following terms:

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Organs: An organ is a structure in the body that is made up of different types of tissues working together to perform a specific function.

2. Origin of the Term: The word "organ" comes from the Greek word "organon," which means instrument or tool.

3. Composition of Organs: Organs are composed of various tissues. When multiple tissues come together, they form an organ.

4. Function of Organs: Each organ has a particular function it performs. For example, the heart is an organ whose main function is to pump blood throughout the body.

5. Examples of Organs: In the human body, there are many organs, such as the brain, liver, and heart, each with its own specific function.

6. Smallest and Largest Organs: The smallest organ in the human body is the pineal gland, while the largest organ is the skin.
