Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

How is algae useful to us?

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Doubtnut Promotions Sticky
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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Oxygen Production: Algae play a crucial role in increasing the level of oxygen in water bodies through the process of photosynthesis. This oxygen is essential for the survival of aquatic animals.

2. Food Source: Many types of algae are consumed by humans and other organisms. They serve as a nutritious food source, providing essential nutrients.

3. Fertilizer: Algae can be used as a natural fertilizer in agriculture. They enrich the soil and promote plant growth.

4. Bio-Diesel Production: Recent research has shown that algae can be converted into bio-diesel fuel, providing a renewable energy source.

5. Pollution Control: Algae can help in controlling pollution by absorbing excess nutrients and pollutants from water bodies, thus improving water quality.

6. Bacterial Growth Medium: Certain types of algae, such as red algae, can be used to create artificial media for bacterial growth in laboratories.

7. Thickening Agents: Algae are also used as thickening agents in food products like ice creams and jellies, enhancing their texture.

Conclusion: Algae are incredibly useful to us in various ways, including oxygen production, food, fertilizer, bio-diesel, pollution control, bacterial growth media, and as thickening agents in food.

