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Convert into improper fractions:

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To convert the mixed fraction 61230 into an improper fraction, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the components of the mixed fraction
The mixed fraction consists of:
- Whole number (question): 6
- Numerator (remainder): 12
- Denominator: 30

Step 2: Multiply the whole number by the denominator
Multiply the whole number 6 by the denominator 30:

Step 3: Add the numerator to the result from Step 2
Now, add the numerator 12 to the result from Step 2:

Step 4: Write the result over the original denominator
Now, place the result from Step 3 over the original denominator:

Step 5: Simplify the fraction (if necessary)
To simplify 19230, find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 192 and 30. The GCD is 6. Now divide both the numerator and the denominator by 6:

Final Answer
Thus, the improper fraction is:

