What is suggested to avoid allergy?
लिखित उत्तर
We must adopt the following measures to avoid allergy:- 1) Wear a pollen mask when moving on the grass or doing house leaning. 2) Stay indoors in the morning (when the pollution is at its highest), and on windy days. 3) Read and understand food labels (for people with food allergy), just to save from taking contaminated foodstuff. 4) Keep windows and doors closed during heavy pollination seasons. 5) Keep indoor plants and other sources of mildew away from home. 6) Don’t allow danger-producing animals in the house. 7) Wash sheets, mattress pad, and blankets weekly in hot water (at least 130 F). 8) Use physical (insecticide chemical), acaricide, or á tannic acid solution.
Updated on:21/07/2023
समान प्रश्न
एक लोहे की वास्तु को संक्षारण से बचने के लिए कोबाल्ट से आवृत क्या है | क्या कोबाल्ट लोहे की रक्षा केथोड़ीय सुरक्छा के रूप में करेंगा ? समझाइये |
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