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The symbols for different elements are given below. Identify the elements

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understand the Question: The question asks to identify the element corresponding to the symbol "As".

2. Recognize the Symbol: The symbol "As" is made up of two letters. In chemistry, each element has a unique symbol, which usually consists of one or two letters.

3. Identify the Element: The first letter of the symbol "As" is 'A', and the second letter is 's'. The element that corresponds to the symbol "As" is Arsenic.

4. Confirm the Name: The chemical name for the symbol "As" is Arsenic. This can be confirmed by referring to a periodic table or chemical element list.

5. Additional Information: Arsenic is known to be a reactive chemical element. It has various applications, including:
- Used in the production of special glass.
- Used as a wood preservative.
- Used as a doping agent in semiconductors.

6. Final Answer: Therefore, the element represented by the symbol "As" is Arsenic.

