Assertion (A) : There was a country-wide agitation against the Simon Commission.
Reason (R ) : The members of the Simon Commission discontinued their work in face of the country-wide agitation.
Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
A is true but R is false
A is false but R is true
The correct Answer is:C
The slogan "Go back, Simon" was raised and Indians agitated against it countrywide.
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The people of India agitated against the arrival of Simon Commission because:
AIndians never wanted the review of the working of the Act of 1919BSimon Commission recommended the abolition of Dyarchy (Diarchy) in the ProvincesCThere was no Indian member in the Simon CommissionDThe Simon Commission suggested the partition of the countryAssertion (A): Indian National Congress Boycotted the Simon Commission.
Reason (R) : It was opposed to the composition of the commissionABoth A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.BBoth A and R is true but R is not a correct explanation of ACA is true but R is falseDA is false but R is trueAssertion (A) : The Congress boycotted the Simon Commission.
Reason (R ) : The Simon Commission did not have a single Indian member.
Select the correct answer by using the code given below:ABoth (A) and (R ) are true, and (R ) is the correct explanation of (A).BBoth (A) and (R ) are true, and (R ) is not the correct explanation of (A).C(A) is true, but (R ) is false.D(A) is false, but (R ) is true.
Assertion (A): Protest, led by Lala Lajpat Rai, was organized in Lahore in 1928 against Simon Commission
Reason (R) : Simon Commission did not have a single Indian member in it.
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Reason (R): The Simon Commission had no Indian members and the Commission declared that the Viceroy Executive Council could not be held responsible to the Central Legislature and the fatal blows inflicted on Lala Lajpat Rai.
View SolutionAssertion (A): The Indian National Congress Opposed the Simon Commission and did not cooperated with it. Reason
(R) : The Simon Commission had no Indian representative.
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Reason (R): These countries have large ports.
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