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Explain Darwinian theory of evolution with the help of one suitable example. State the two key concepts of the theory. Solution in Punjabi

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According to Darwin, evolution took place by natural selection. The rate of appearance of new life fons depends upon their life span-and their ability to multiply. There is intense competition and struggle to ensure living to obtain maximum amount of food and space. The variations occurring in organisms are gradual and inheritable and the species fit to survive-the-most leaves are most fit to adapt to their environment.
Hence, the population.s characteristics change, giving rise to the evolution of new life forms. Thereby, the two key concepts of the theory are:-
(i) Branching descent. Diverse groups of animals evolve from one or a few common ancessors.
(ii) Natural Selection. According to this concept, nature selects the individuals, which are most fit to adapt to their environment. The fitness according to Darwin, refers ultimately and only to reproductive fitness. Hence, those who are better-fit-in an environment, leave-more-progeny than others. These, therefore will sjurvive more and hence are slected by nature. He called this natural selection, e.g., the antibiotic-resistance in bacteria When asbacterial-population was grown on agar plate containing antibiotic penicillin, the colonies that were sensitive to penicillin dies, whereas one or few bacterial colonies that were-resistant to penicillin survived. This-is because these bacteria had undergone chance mutation, which resultcd-in-the evolution of a gene-that-made them resistant to penicillin drug. Hence the resistantibacteria multiplied quickly as compared to the non-resistant (sensitive) bacteria, thereby increasing their number. Hence, the advantage of an-individual over the other helps in the straggle for existence.

Updated on:21/07/2023

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