Plato is the earliest important educational thinker, and education is an essential element in ‘The Republic’(his most important work on philosophy and political theory, written around 3 60 B.C.). In it, he advocates some rather extreme methods: removing children from their mother’s care and raising them as wards o f the state, and differentiating children suitable to the various castes, the highest receiving the most education, so that they could act as guardians of the city and care for the less able. He believed that education should be holistic including facts, skills, physical discipline, music and art. Plato believed that talent and intelligence is not distributed genetically and thus can be found in children born to all classes, although his proposed system of selective p ublic education for an educated minority of the population does not really follow a democratic model. Aristotle considered human nature, habit and reason to be equally important forces to be cultivated in education, the ultimate aim of which should be to produce good and virtuous citizens. He proposed that teachers lead their students systematically, and that repetition b e used as a key tool to develop good habits, u nlike Socrates’ emphasis on questioning his listeners to bring out their own ideas. He emphasized the balancing of the theoretical and practical aspects of subjects taught, among which he explicitly mentions reading, writing, mathematics, music, physical education, literature, history, and a wide range of sciences, as well as play, which he also considered important.
What tool does Aristotle advocate to t eachers to develop good h abits in students?
The correct Answer is:C
It is given in the 2 nd paragraph t hat Aristotle advocated Repetition to be the tool which should be u sed by the teachers to develop good habits in students. (Line/s from the passage- He proposed that teachers lead their students systematically, and that repetition be used as a key tool to develop good habits)
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