The first time that Agha Shahid Ali spoke to me about his approaching death was on 25 April 200(a) The conversation began routinely. I had t elephoned to remind him that we had been invited to a friend’s house for lunch. Although he had been under treatment for cancer for some fourteen months, Shahid was still on his feet and perfectly lucid, except for occasional lapses of memory. I heard him thumbing through his engagement book and then suddenly he said: ‘Oh dear. I can’t see a thing.’ There was a brief pause and then he added: ‘I hope this doesn’t mean that I’m dying...’ I did not know how to respond: his voice was completely at odds with the content of what he had just said, light to the point of jocularity. I m umbled something innocuous: ‘No Shahid — of course not. You’ll b e fine.’ He cut me short. In a tone of voice that was at once quizzical and direct, he said: ‘When it happens I hope you’ll write something about me.’ I was shocked into silence and a long moment passed before I could bring my self to say the things that people say on such occasions. ‘Shahid you’ll be fine, you have to be strong...’ From the window of my study I could see a corner of the building in which he lived, some eight blocks away. It was just a few months since he moved there: he had been living a few miles away, in Manhattan, when he had a sudden blackout in February 2000. After tests revealed that he had a malignant brain tumour, he decided to move to Brooklyn, to be close t o his youngest sister, Sameetah, who teaches at the Pratt Institute—a few blocks away from the street where I l ive. Shahid ignored my reassurances. He began to laugh and it was then that I realised that he was dead serious. I understood that he was entrusting me with a quite specific charge: he wanted me to remember him not through the spoken recitatives of memory and friendship, but through the written word. He knew that my instincts would have led me to search for reasons to avoid writing about his death: I would have told myself that I was not a poet, that our friendship was of recent date, that there were many others who knew him much better and would be writing from greater understanding and knowledge. All this Shahid had guessed and he had decided to shut off those routes while there was still time. ‘You must write about me.’ Finally, I said: ‘Shahid, I will: I’ll do the best I can.’
What disease was Shahid Ali suffering f rom?
Brain tumour
Loss of memory
Blood cancer
The correct Answer is:D
It is given in the paragraph that Shahid Ali was suffering f rom Brain tumour.(Line/s from the passage- After tests r evealed that he had a malignant brain tumour
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