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Describe compound racemose inflorescence.

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Compound racemose infloresence. In this type of inflorescence the peduncle or the main axis branches in a racemose manner and the branches bear flowers in a racemose or cymose manner. This results in a compound inflorescence e.g. Raceme of Racemes or Panicle, compound dichasial cyme, umbel of umbels, spadix of spadices, spike of spikelets.
(i) Panicle eg. Cassia fistula. (ii) Compound umbel e.g. Coriandrum, Anethum, etc. (ii) Corymb of Corymbes e.g. Brassica oleracea (iv) Spike of Spilekets e.g. Triticum. (v) Spadix of spadices. The peduncle is branched in racemose manner and each branch bears flowers like a simple spadix e.g. Palms.
