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Give a scientific description of family Brassicaceae. Mention its economic importance.

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Family Brassicaceae Root. Commonly a tap root, branched. In some plants root and hypocotyl swell into swollen storage roots e.g. Raphanus sativus (fusiform), Brassica rapa (napiform). Due to the storage of food material these roots are edible.
Stem. Aerial , erect, in some species much reduced branched or unbranched , herbaceous or woody , hairy, hairs are always unicellular.
Leaf, Radical, cauline and ramal, exstipulate, petiolate, petiolate or sessile, simple with reticulate venation.
Floral Characters : Infloresence. Usually racemose-raceme, corymb or corymbose raceme.
Flower. Ebracteate , pedicellate , ebracteolate , complete , regular , actinomorphic , bisexual , hypogynous, hexa cyclic , yellow.
Calyx. Four, free (Polysepalous) , in two whorls of two each , the anterioposterior , sepals form the outer whorl and enclose the lateral sepals that are pouch like at their bases , lanceolate , with entire margin and acute apex , green or yellowish green , inferior. Corolla. Four, choripetalous (free), clawed longer than the sepals , spreading , cruciform , valvate, inferior, yellow.
Androecium. Six , polyandrous, tetradynamous, four longer stamens form two anterio-posterior pairs and are arranged in an inner whorl , the two smaller lateral stamens form an outer whorl , anthers bithecous, basifixed, the longer stamens extrose whereas the shorter stamens introse , delişcence longitudinal. Four distinct, green and dot like nectaries are present at the bases of the stamens, Pollen grains are trinucleate at the time of their release. Gynaecium. Bicarpellary , syncarpous, superior , unilocular becoming bilocular by formation of a false septum (replum), placentation parietal , ovules numerous, ovary long and cylindrical, style short, stigma bifid.
Fruit. A siliqua. Seed. Non-endospermic with conduplicate cotyledons. Pollination. Entomophilous.
Floral formula. ocr_image
Economic importance of the family :
1. Vegetable-Leaves, roots and inflorescence of many plants are used as vegetables. Fleshy roots Radish, turnip. Swollen stem-Knol-Knol. Leaves -Cabbage, Brassica, Lepidium are used as pot herbs, Infloresence - Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis), Fruits - Raphanus. Oil. Seeds of different species of Brassica yield vegetable oils. 2. Oil is used for cooking and massage etc. 3. Medicine. Some plants have medicinal uses e.g., Brassica juncea (Rai), Lepdium sativum. Raphamus sativus seeds of Sisymbriumisio sativus (Khub Kalan) etc. 4. Condiment. Seeds of B. nigra, B. alba (white Rai), Lepidum sativum etc, are used as condiment. Ornamental importance. Caeiranthus cheiri (wall flower), Iberis amara (candituft). Mathiola cincona etc. are cultivated in gardens as ornamental plants. 5. Fodder. Leaves of Brassica species and oil cake (khal) are used as fodder for the cattle.
