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Describe the internal structure of a dicotyledcnous stem/root.

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T.S. dicot stem. It reveals the following parts:
1. Epidermis. This is the surface layer. It consists of a single layer of somewhat elongated and compactly arranged parenchyma cells. The outer walls of the epidermal cells do not contain chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are however present in the epidermal cells of Opuntia. They are produced here and there into multicellular and uniseriate hair. In sunflower the hairs are unbranched. Stomata may be present here and there in the epidermis. · Each stomata is a small pore bounded on either side by two kidney-shaped guard cells that control the opening and closing of the stomata. The epidermis is protective in function.
The stomata helps in gaseous exchange.
2. Hypodermis. THe hypodermis is made of a 3-4 layered sub-epidermal made of 3-4 layered sub-epidermal collenchyma tissue. Its cells prossess extra cellulos thickening in various regions on the tangential walls (lamellate collenchyma, e.g., Sunflower), at the angles (angular collenchyma, e.g., Castor) and in the intercellular spaces (lacunate collenchyma, e.g., Cucurbita). The collenchyma cells are green and loosely paked. The hypodermis function in
(i) providing mechanical strength as well as flexibility.
(ii) stroage of food.
(iii) manufacture of food with the help of chloroplastws. Hypodermis is absent or nconspicous below the stromata.
3. Cortex. It has following characters :
(i) The rest of the cortex is made of hin-walled more or less rouned parenchyma cells.
(if) Through pressure the parenchyma cells may become angular or polygonal.
(iii) They enclose lot of inter-cellular spaces among them. The cells are living and full of storage· foods like starches, proteins and other carbohydrates.
(iv) Small oil cavities are also present in this part of the cortex. Each cavity is lined by secretory cells. These cells secrete oil.
(v) Chloroplasts present in the. outer layer of cortical cells help in photosynthesis.
4. Endodermis. ·rt is inner most layer of cortex. It is a wavy layer in sunflower. The casparian strips are not distinct. The cells are barrel like and store starch. i.e., why it is called starch sheath. The cells are living.
Functions. It stores starch.
5. Pericycle. It has few layers of cells. It lies ocr_image
inner to the endoderllJ.iS. The pericycle is made up of both parenchyma and sclerenchyma fibres. Sclerenchyma lies on the outside of vascular bundles in the form of semicircular patches called bundle caps. Parenchymatous pericycle lies outside medullary rays. The parenchymatous pericycle stores food.
In cucurbita pericycle is wavy, sclerenchymatous completely. It provides mechanical strength.
Vascular bundles. Vascular bundles are arranged in the form of an interrupted ring. Each vascular bundle is made up of phloem, cambium and xylem. Between the phloem and the xylem is a narrow layer of meristematic cells called the cambium. Such bundles in which the cambium is present in between xylem and the phloem are called open bundles. Since the xylem and the phloem lie side by side on the same radius the bundles· are called conjoint. The phleom is present only on the outer side of the xylem. Such bundles are called collateral.
(i) Phloem. It lies below the sclerenchyma pathches of pericycle. It is composed offciur types ofcells:
(a) Sieve tubes. These are thin walled elongated cells that are placed one above the other forming long pipes for conduction of food materials. Their cross walls called sieve plates are perforated like a .sieve. Their lumen is large. Theirnuclei degenerates.
(b) Companion .cells. A thin walled parenchymatous cell with nucleus is always associated with the sieve tube. In a transverse section they appear as polygonal cells attached to sieve tube member.
(c) Phloem parenchyma.. Thin walled parenchymatous cells constitute major proportion of phloem, These cells store starch, protein and fats.
(d) Phloem fibres: These are sclerenchymatous fibres present in phloem region: They provide mechanical strength.
(ii) Cambium. The cambium is a.narrow layer, one cell thick, of meristematic thin-walled, rectangular cells. They retain the capacity to divide. The cambium is composed of two kinds of cells : fusiform initials and ray initials.
(iii) Xylem. The xylem is made up of tracheae or vessels, tracheids, xylem parenchyma and Iignified fibres, also called the wood fibres. The latter and the tracheids serve as mechanical tissues for support. The protoxylem lies towards the inner side of the stem bundle next to the pith. The xylem is, therefore, endarch. The vascular bundles are thus conjoint, collateral endarch and open.
The functions of vascular bundles are conduction of food and water and to give mechanical strength to the organ.
5. Medullary Rays. The parenchyma cells lying between the vascular bundles constitute the medullary rays. Each medullary ray exlends from the pith to the pericycle. The cells of medullary rays are thin-walled and living. Their function is to help in radial conduction of food materials and also to store food.
6. Pith. The parenchyma cells forming centre of the stem constitute the pith or the medulla. It is composed ofrounded or parenchymatous cells that enclose intercellular spaces. The cells store food material.
