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What is diffusion ? Describe its importance.

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Diffusion. It is the passing of molecules from higher concentration to lower concentration irrespective of the law of gravitation. For exampleiwhen a bottle of ammonia is kept open in one of the comers of the room, its smell can be realised in any part of the room. If a crystal of copper sulphate is placed in a beaker of water it slowly dissolves. Its molecules move from the surface of crystal to the remote parts of water. After some time the solution becomes uniformly coloured and the crystal disappears.
Importance of aiffusion :
1. The process of ~ctlange of gases between the leaves and air occurs due to diffusion.
2. The process of tratlsport of food through phloem is because of diffusion.
3. Diffusion is a means of spreadings of ions and other substances through the protoplast, thus it brings uniform distribution.
4. Transpiration and loss of water from the surface of plants is due to diffusion.
5. Movement ofions and solutes from one cell to another cell involves diffusion.
6. Fragrance of flowers is due to the release of certain chemicals because of diffusion.
7. Diffusion helps in the exchange ofrespiratory gases i.e. O2andCO2 between tissue cells and the environment.
8. The cell wall of internal plant tissues remain moist because of diffusion.
· 9. Phermones spread in atmosphere by diffusion.
10. Osmosis is also a type of diffusion.
11. Due to diffusion foul gases spread in the atmosphere.
