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Describe exoscytosis and endocytosis.

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Exocytosis or Cell vomiting. The process of expelling the secretory material outside the cell cytoplasm is called as exocytosis. The cells ofliver, pancreas show such phenomenon. The vacuoles containing such substances move from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane and dischatrge their contents to the exterior.
Endocytosis. It is the process of engulfing large- sized particles of food substances of foreign substances. The endocytosis is of following two types:
(i) Pinocytosis or cell drinking. It is the process of engulfing of fluid material by the cell through plasma membrane. The molecules of higher molecular weight like proteins, amino acids etc. cannot diffuse through the cell membrane. The solutions of such substances enter the· cell through pinocytosis.
During the .process the cell membrane invaginates into minute pockets called pinocytic vesicles. These vesicles receive the required solutions and when become full, detach from the plasma membrane and pass down into the cytoplasm.
(ii) Phagocytosis. It is the process of engulfing of large sized particles of soild material through the plasma membrane. It is clearly observed during the ingestion of food by amoeba. As soon as the food material touches the plasma membrane, the later invaginates to form a small vesicle in which the solid substances sink down. This vesicle which is known as phagosome pinches off from the cell membrane and passes down into the cytoplasm.
