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Describe the structure and function of ATP.

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ATP is called energy currency of the cell as it stores energy. It is formed during the process of respiration. One molecule of ATP on hydrolysis splits into ADP and releases 8.9 kcal. Similarly one molecule of ADP on breaking into AMP releases 6.5 kcal. Fritz Lipmann (1941) is called the Father of ATP cycle.
Structure. ATP molecule has one ribose molecule, one purine molecule in the form of adenine, and three phosphate molecules. Phosphate molecule is attached at 5. carbon atoms ofribose sugar by phosphoester bond. The adenine molecule is attached to first carbon atom of ribose sugar by glycosidic bond. ATP molecule has three phosphate molecules. Out of these two are energy rich bonds
Function. When one molecule of glucose is oxidised then energy released is taken by ADP to form ATP. When ATP is hydrolysed then ADP is formed and energy is released which is used in various activities.
