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Define hormone. Discuss the discovery and give its characters.

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A hormone is a chemical substance normally produced by the cells in one part of the body, and carried by blood to another part where it regulates a specific physiological process for the good of the body as a whole.
The term .hormone. literally means to stimulate (Gr. Hormoein =to excite). However, a hormone may stimulate or inhibit the working of the organ it acts on.
The endocrine system consists of isolated tissues and organs called endocrine glands, ductless glands or glands of internal secretion. Their name refers to the fact that they do not have ducts to send their secretions, which pass into blood for transport. Their secretions are called hormones or internal secretions.
Discovery. The first hormone was discovered by two English physiologists William M. Bayliss and Ernest H. Starling in 1903. It was secretin coming from the duodenal mucous membrane and stimulating the secretion of pancreatic juice. The term·hormone was coined by Starling in 1905.
General characteristics of hormones :
1. The hormones are organic compounds of diverse nature.
2. They usually have low molecular weight and readially diffuse through the cell membrane.
3. They are effective in very low concentrations.
4. They act away from the site of production.
5. They may accelerate or inhibit specific physiological processes.
6. They are often used up in their.regulatory action.
7. They do not initiate a reaction but can influence its rate.
8. Many horn,iones such as peptides are secreted in an inactive form called prohormone, e.g., insulin is produced as proinsulin.
9. The hormones are generally sfow in action.
10. They are non-antigenic substances.
11. The specificity of hormones may vary widely. For example, the thyroid hormone acts on nearly all cells as it has to control metabolic rate, whereas the thyroid stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland acts only on the thyroid gland.
