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What are the factors affecting the rate of heart beat?

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The firing rate of pace maker determines the rate of heart beat. The factors which affect the rate of pace maker potential also influence the rate of heart beat. The main factors are :
1. Temperature : The velocity of the conduction of action potential and level of resting membrane potential are directly related to the temperature.
2. Calcium ions : If Ca++ are in abundance, the rate of heart beat is lowered.
3. Chemical transmitters and hormones.
(i) Acetylcholine liberated from vagal para sympathetic nerve endings tend to reduce the rate of heart beat by increasing the cell permeability to K+
(ii) Norepinepherine liberated from sympathetic nerve endings, increases the permeability of Nat, therefore Nat influx increases. This causes an increased depolarization rate and consequently increase in number of heartbeat per minute.
(iii) Hormone adrenaline, secreted from adrenal cortex, also increases the heart beat rate.
