What is lymphatic system and what is its importance ?
Text Solution
(a) Lymphatics or Lymph vessels : The lymph vessels are called lymphatics. These start as blind end lymphatic capillaries in the tissue spaces and join to form larger ducts. The lymphatic capillaries arising in the intestinal villi are called lacteals. These absorb digested fat from the intestine as chilomicrones. After a fatty meal their lymph appears milky and is called chyle. Lymphatics form a network in the body and have valves to maintain flow of lymph towards large veins. These return water and proteins to the blood. There are two main lymphatic vessels :() thoracic duct (il) right lymphatic duct.
(b) Thoracic duct : It receives lymph from whole of the body except right side ofbhead, neck, thorax and right fore limb. It starts from receptaculum chyli present in the abdomen . Receptaculum chyli receives lacteals from intestine. Lacteals are lymphatic vessels. The thoracic duct opens into left subclavian vein.
(ii ) Right lymphatic duct : It gets lymph by lymphatic capillaries from right arm , head neck and thorax and opens into right subslavin vein.
(b) Lymph noeds : At specific points there are enlargements in the lymph vessels like beads in a string. These are called lymph nodes . In lymph nodes, the lymphatic tissue is separated into compartments by fibrous partitions. The different lymphatic enter the lymph nodes are break up into fine branches which join to form efferent lymphatics .
Functions :
(i) Produce lymphocytes a nd monocytes.
(ii) Synthesize certain antibodies .
(iii) Phagocytise and destory bacteria and other pathogens .
Location : lymph nodes are abundants in neck , arm - pit and groin . Tonsils and adenoids aer important lymphatic organs of the body .
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