Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Discuss different features of action potential.

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Features of action potential :
1. Threshold stimulus
2. Summation
3. All or none principle
1. Threshold stimulus : It is the stimulus of minimum intensity in order to produce an action potential.
2. Summation : When large number of subthreshold stimuli are applied in quick succession to a nerve fibre, then they set up nerve impulse. The additive effect of subthreshold stimuli in the generation of nerve impulse is called summation.
Subthreshold stimulus is a stimulus below minimum intensity which fails to produce nerve impulse.
All or none Principle : All stimuli having strength above threshold stimulus induce the same action potential and stimuli below thresholdold do not produce any aciton potential. Thus nerve functions on all or none principle.
The intensity of action potential remains unchanged, no matter how strong the stimulus might be.
