Mechanism of generation of light induced impulse in the retina.
Mechanism of generation of light induced impulse in retina
1. Light induces dissociation of retinal from opsin and results into changes in structure of opsin.
2. It changes in membrane permeability. Thus potenial differences are generated in cones cells.
3. It generates action potential in ganglion cells through dipolar cells.
4. These impulses are transmitted by optic nerves to visual cortex area of brain where impulses are analysed.
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Knowledge Check
Transmission of light into nerve impulse is a :
AMechanical processBPhysical processCChemical processDBiochemical processThe direction of light striking the retina will be
Aphotosensory cells → bipolar neurons→ ganglionic cells → sensory nervesBsensory nerves → bipolar neurons → ganalionic cells → photosensory cellsCsensory nerves → ganglionic cells → bipolar cells → photosensory cellsDphotosensory cells → ganglionic cells → bipolar neurons → sensory nervesThe steps involved in the mechanism of vision are given below. Arrange them in proper sequence and select the correct option.
A. Dissociation of retinal from opsin and generation of potential difference in photoreceptor cells.
B. Focusing of the light rays in visible wavelength on the corner through the lens.
C. Generation of the action potential in ganglion cells through bipolar cells.
D. Analysis of neural impulse and formation of aa image on the retina.
E. Transmission of the action potential by the optic nerve to the visual cortex.AA,C,E,D,B,BB,A,C,D,E,CB,A,C,E,D,DC,B,A,D,E
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View SolutionThe steps involved in the mechanism of vision are given below. Arrange them in proper sequence and select the correct option.
A. Dissociation of retinal from opsin and generation of potential difference in photoreceptor cells.
B. Focusing of the light rays in visible wavelength on the corner through the lens.
C. Generation of the action potential in ganglion cells through bipolar cells.
D. Analysis of neural impulse and formation of aa image on the retina.
E. Transmission of the action potential by the optic nerve to the visual cortex.
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View SolutionMechanism of vision includes following steps in random order
A. Generates action potential in ganglionic cells through the bipolar cells.
B. Membrane permeabilities of rods and cones change.
C. Light induces dissociation of retinal from opsin.
D. Activation of photopigment of rods and cones.
E. Light rays focussed on the retina.
F. Potential differences generated in photoreceptor cells.
G. Image formed on retina is recognized by the brain.
H. Action potentials are transmitted by optic nerve to the visual cortex of brain.
The correct sequence is
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