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What is a particle or matter wave and how it is different from electro-megnetic wave?

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| Particle/Matter wave e/m wave ( i ) Made of microscopic particle eg : [ e - , p , n ] ( i ) Made of quanta ( i i ) Veloctiy < < 3 × 10 8 m / s ( i i ) Velocity = 3 × 10 8 m / s ( i i i ) Very small wavelength {Very high frequency} ( i i i ) Very large wavelength [small frequency] ( i v ) No electric or magnetic field associated ( i v ) Electric and magnetic field lie at right angles ( v ) Matter waves remain localized particles and are not emitted ( v ) They are emitted by source and leave the source They propogate in all direcions ( v i ) Pass through a medium but not through vacuum ( v i ) Can pass through vacuum as well as through medium |
