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Match the following.


ColumnIColumnII(Statements)(Consistent path of reaction)Reaction are concerted(p)SN1


ColumnIColumnII(Statements)(Consistent path of reaction)CH3Xcannot react(q)SN2


ColumnIColumnII(Statements)(Consistent path of reaction)3RX>2Rx1RX(r)E1


ColumnIColumnII(Statements)(Consistent path of reaction)RI reacts faster thanRCI(s)E2

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The correct Answer is:A, B, C, D

To solve the matching question regarding reactions in organic chemistry, we will analyze each option provided in the question. The aim is to determine the correct matches between the statements in column 1 and column 2.

1. Understanding the Terms:
- Concerted Reaction: A reaction that occurs in a single step without intermediates.
- SN1 Reaction: A nucleophilic substitution reaction that occurs in two steps, involving the formation of a carbocation intermediate.
- SN2 Reaction: A nucleophilic substitution reaction that occurs in one step, where the nucleophile attacks the substrate at the same time as the leaving group departs.
- E2 Reaction: A bimolecular elimination reaction that occurs in one step, where a base removes a proton while the leaving group departs.

2. Analyzing Option 1:
- It states that a reaction is concerted and matches it with SN1.
- Evaluation: This is incorrect because SN1 reactions are not concerted; they involve an intermediate (carbocation). Therefore, this match is wrong.

3. Analyzing Option 2:
- It states that CH3X cannot react and matches it with SN2.
- Evaluation: This is also incorrect. CH3X can indeed react via an SN2 mechanism because it has a good leaving group and minimal steric hindrance. Therefore, this match is also wrong.

4. Analyzing Option 3:
- It states that 3°R (tertiary alkyl halide) reacts faster than 2°R (secondary) and 1°R (primary) and matches it with the rate of SN1 reactions.
- Evaluation: This is correct. The rate of SN1 reactions is indeed dependent on the stability of the carbocation, which increases from primary to tertiary. Thus, this match is correct.

5. Analyzing Option 4:
- It states that RI reacts faster than RCl and matches it with E2.
- Evaluation: While RI does react faster than RCl, this statement is not exclusively true for E2 reactions. It can also apply to SN2 reactions depending on the conditions. Therefore, this match is not definitively correct.

Based on the analysis, the only correct match is from Option 3, which states that the reactivity of alkyl halides in SN1 reactions increases with the degree of substitution.

Final Answer:
- Correct Match: Option 3 (3°R > 2°R > 1°R for SN1 reaction)
