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Which of the following reacts most vigrously with water









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The correct Answer is:A

To determine which of the following elements reacts most vigorously with water, we can analyze the reactivity of Group 2 elements (alkaline earth metals). The elements in question are likely to be Beryllium (Be), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Strontium (Sr), and Barium (Ba).

1. Identify the Group:
- The elements in question are from Group 2 of the periodic table, which includes Beryllium (Be), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Strontium (Sr), and Barium (Ba).

Hint: Remember that Group 2 elements are known as alkaline earth metals.

2. Understand Electropositivity:
- Electropositivity refers to the ability of an element to lose electrons. As you move down the group from Be to Ba, the electropositive character increases.

Hint: Electropositive character increases down the group due to decreasing ionization enthalpy.

3. Ionization Enthalpy:
- The ionization enthalpy decreases as you move down the group. This means it becomes easier to remove the outermost electron, leading to increased reactivity.

Hint: Consider how atomic size affects the attraction between the nucleus and the outermost electron.

4. Electrode Potential:
- The standard electrode potential (E°) becomes more negative as you move down the group. For example:
- Be: E° = -1.97 V
- Mg: E° = -2.36 V
- Ca: E° = -2.76 V
- Sr: E° = -2.89 V
- Ba: E° = -2.92 V
- A more negative E° value indicates a greater tendency to lose electrons and react.

Hint: The more negative the electrode potential, the more vigorous the reaction with water.

5. Reactivity with Water:
- Beryllium does not react with water, while the reactivity increases down the group. Strontium and Barium react vigorously with water, producing hydroxides and hydrogen gas.

Hint: Remember that the reaction of alkaline earth metals with water produces metal hydroxides and hydrogen gas.

6. Conclusion:
- Among the Group 2 elements, Barium (Ba) and Strontium (Sr) react most vigorously with water. However, Strontium is known to react more vigorously than Barium due to its position in the group.

Final Answer: Strontium (Sr) reacts most vigorously with water.
