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Which of the following have maximum value of pKb in Aqueous phase-


N-Methyl aniline


N,N-di ethyl ethanamine




Phenyl methanamine

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The correct Answer is:C

To determine which of the given compounds has the maximum value of pKb in the aqueous phase, we need to analyze the basicity of each compound. The pKb value is inversely related to the base strength; a higher pKb indicates a weaker base. Here’s a step-by-step solution:

Step 1: Understand the Concept of Basicity
- Basicity is the ability of a compound to accept protons (H⁺ ions). The stronger the base, the more readily it accepts protons, resulting in a lower pKb value.
- Conversely, a weaker base will have a higher pKb value.

Step 2: Identify the Compounds
The compounds given are:
1. N-methyl aniline
2. Diethylamine
3. Aniline (Benzamine)
4. Phenylmethanamine

Step 3: Analyze Each Compound
1. N-methyl aniline: The methyl group is an electron-donating group, which increases the electron density on the nitrogen, enhancing its basicity.

2. Diethylamine: Similar to N-methyl aniline, the ethyl groups are also electron-donating, making this compound a strong base.

3. Aniline (Benzamine): The amino group (-NH₂) is attached to a benzene ring. The lone pair on nitrogen can participate in resonance with the benzene ring, reducing its availability to accept protons and thus decreasing its basicity.

4. Phenylmethanamine: This compound has a methanamine group (-NH₂) connected to a phenyl group. The resonance effect of the phenyl group will also decrease the basicity of the nitrogen atom.

Step 4: Compare Basicity
- N-methyl aniline and diethylamine are stronger bases due to the electron-donating effects of their alkyl groups.
- Aniline has reduced basicity because of resonance stabilization, which lowers the availability of the lone pair on nitrogen.
- Phenylmethanamine is similar to aniline in terms of resonance effects, but the basicity is slightly lower due to the additional methylene group.

Step 5: Determine the Weakest Base
Among the four compounds, aniline has the weakest basicity due to the resonance effect that stabilizes the lone pair on nitrogen, making it less available for protonation. Therefore, it will have the highest pKb value.

The compound with the maximum value of pKb in the aqueous phase is Aniline (Benzamine).
