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Round off the following numbers as indicated : 25.653 ot 3 digits.

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To round off the number 25.653 to 3 digits, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the number and the digits to round off
We start with the number 25.653. We need to round it off to 3 significant digits.

Step 2: Determine the third digit
The third digit in the number 25.653 is '6'. The digits are as follows:
- 2 (first digit)
- 5 (second digit)
- 6 (third digit)

Step 3: Look at the digit following the third digit
The digit following the third digit (6) is '5'. This is important for rounding.

Step 4: Apply rounding rules
According to rounding rules:
- If the digit following the digit we are rounding (in this case, '5') is 5 or greater, we round up the third digit.
- If it is less than 5, we leave the third digit unchanged.

Since the digit after '6' is '5', we will round '6' up to '7'.

Step 5: Write the rounded number
After rounding, the number becomes 25.7.

Final Answer
Thus, 25.653 rounded off to 3 significant digits is 25.7.

