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For a copper-iron and a chromel-alumel thermocouple, the plots between thermoelectric emf and the temperature θ of the hot junction (when the cold junction is at 0C)are found to satisfy approximately the parabola equation V=αθ+12βθ2 with
α=14μVC1β=0.04VC2 (copper-iron)
α=41μCVC1,β=0.002VC2 (chromel-alumel)
Which of the two thermocouples would you use to measure temperature in the range of a about 500C to 600C?

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To determine which thermocouple to use for measuring temperatures in the range of 500°C to 600°C, we need to analyze the given equations for the thermoelectric emf (V) of both thermocouples.

1. Understand the Equation: The thermoelectric emf is given by the equation:
where α and β are constants specific to each thermocouple.

2. Identify Constants: For the two thermocouples, we have:
- Copper-Iron:
- α=14μV/°C
- β=0.04V/°C2
- Chromel-Alumel:
- α=41μV/°C
- β=0.002V/°C2

3. Differentiate the Equation: To find the temperature at which the emf is maximized, we differentiate V with respect to θ:

4. Set the Derivative to Zero: To find the maximum, we set the derivative equal to zero:
Solving for θ:

5. Calculate Maximum Temperature for Copper-Iron:
- Substitute α and β:

6. Calculate Maximum Temperature for Chromel-Alumel:
- Substitute α and β:

7. Compare the Maximum Temperatures:
- Copper-Iron can measure up to 350°C.
- Chromel-Alumel can measure up to 20500°C.

8. Determine the Suitable Thermocouple: Since we need to measure temperatures in the range of 500°C to 600°C, the Copper-Iron thermocouple cannot be used as its maximum is only 350°C. The Chromel-Alumel thermocouple can measure up to 20500°C, making it suitable for our required temperature range.

The Chromel-Alumel thermocouple should be used to measure temperatures in the range of 500°C to 600°C.

Updated on:7/8/2024

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