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How do snails, bears, zooplanktons, fungi and bacteria adapt to conditions unfavorable for their survival ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Snails:
- Snails adapt to unfavorable conditions, particularly during extreme heat, by undergoing a process called estivation.
- Estivation is often referred to as "summer sleep," where snails enter a dormant state to avoid desiccation (drying out) during hot, dry periods.

2. Bears:
- Bears adapt to extreme cold conditions through a process known as hibernation.
- Hibernation, or "winter sleep," involves a significant decrease in metabolic activity, allowing bears to conserve energy and survive until warmer conditions return.

3. Zooplanktons:
- Zooplanktons adapt to unfavorable conditions by entering a state called diapause.
- Diapause is a period of suspended development, allowing zooplankton to survive adverse environmental conditions until they become favorable again.

4. Fungi and Bacteria:
- Fungi and bacteria also adapt to harsh conditions through a process called sporulation.
- During sporulation, these organisms produce spores, which are highly resistant structures that can withstand extreme temperatures and other unfavorable environmental factors.

5. Summary of Adaptations:
- In summary, different organisms have unique strategies to cope with unfavorable conditions:
- Snails undergo estivation.
- Bears enter hibernation.
- Zooplanktons experience diapause.
- Fungi and bacteria form spores.

Updated on:7/8/2024

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