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Assertion : G-cells of gastric gland secrete castle's intrinsic factor.
Reason : This factor help in vitamin B2 absorption


If both Assertion & Reason are True & the Reasonn is a correct explanation of the Assertion .


If both Assertion & Reason are True but Reason is not a correct explanation of the Assertion


If Assertion is True but the Reason is False.


If both Assertion & Reason are false.

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The correct Answer is:3

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understand the Assertion: The assertion states that G-cells of the gastric gland secrete Castle's intrinsic factor.
- Evaluation: This statement is false. G-cells are responsible for secreting gastrin, not Castle's intrinsic factor.

2. Understand the Reason: The reason states that this factor helps in the absorption of vitamin B2.
- Evaluation: This statement is also false. Castle's intrinsic factor is crucial for the absorption of vitamin B12, not vitamin B2.

3. Determine the Relationship: Since both the assertion and the reason are false, we need to conclude whether the reason provides a correct explanation for the assertion.
- Conclusion: Since both statements are false, the reason does not explain the assertion.

4. Select the Correct Option: Based on the evaluations:
- Option A: Assertion true, Reason true (Incorrect)
- Option B: Assertion true, Reason false (Incorrect)
- Option C: Assertion false, Reason true (Incorrect)
- Option D: Assertion false, Reason false (Correct)

Final Answer:
The correct option is D: Both the assertion and reason are false.

