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Which points are correct about visceral muscles ?


These are located in the walls of hollow viseral organs of the body


They do not exhibit any striations.


Their activities are not under the voluntary contraol of the nervoud system.


All of the above

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The correct Answer is:4

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Visceral Muscles: Visceral muscles, also known as smooth muscles, are a type of muscle tissue found in the walls of hollow visceral organs in the body.

2. Location: These muscles are specifically located in the walls of hollow organs such as the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, and urinary bladder. This means that the first point about visceral muscles being located in the walls of hollow visceral organs is correct.

3. Striations: Unlike skeletal and cardiac muscles, visceral muscles do not exhibit striations. Striations are the dark and light bands seen in skeletal and cardiac muscles. Therefore, the second point stating that visceral muscles do not exhibit striations is also correct.

4. Control: Visceral muscles operate involuntarily, meaning their movements are not under conscious control. This is in contrast to voluntary muscles, which can be controlled at will. Thus, the third point about their activities not being under voluntary control is correct.

5. Conclusion: Since all three statements about visceral muscles are correct, the final answer is that all of the above points are correct.

Final Answer:
All of the above points about visceral muscles are correct.

