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Select the examples of lateral meristems :-


Cork cambium and apical meristem


Cork cambium, interfascicular cambium and intercalary meristem


Cork cambium, interfascicular cambium and apical meristem


Cork cambium, interfascicular cambium and intrafascicular cambium (fascicular vascular cambium)

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The correct Answer is:D

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Lateral Meristems:
- Lateral meristems are tissues in plants that are responsible for secondary growth, which increases the thickness of the plant. They are located on the lateral sides of the stem and roots.

2. Types of Lateral Meristems:
- There are two main types of lateral meristems:
- Vascular Cambium: This meristem is responsible for producing xylem (wood) to the inside and phloem (bark) to the outside.
- Cork Cambium: Also known as phellogen, this meristem produces the outer protective layer of the plant, known as periderm.

3. Examples of Lateral Meristems:
- The examples of lateral meristems include:
- Vascular Cambium: This can be further divided into:
- Interfascicular Cambium: Located between vascular bundles.
- Intrafascicular Cambium: Located within the vascular bundles.
- Cork Cambium: Responsible for producing the protective outer layer.

4. Conclusion:
- The correct examples of lateral meristems are:
- Vascular Cambium (including both interfascicular and intrafascicular cambium)
- Cork Cambium

5. Final Answer:
- Therefore, the correct answer is option number 4, which includes all the mentioned types of lateral meristems.
