What is the surface energy of an air bubble of radius r inside a soap solution with surface tension T ?
To find the surface energy of an air bubble of radius r inside a soap solution with surface tension T, we can follow these steps:
1. Understanding Surface Energy:
The surface energy E of a bubble is related to the surface tension T and the change in surface area ΔA of the bubble. The formula for surface energy is given by:
2. Identifying the Surface Area of the Bubble:
An air bubble is spherical in shape. The surface area A of a sphere is calculated using the formula:
where r is the radius of the bubble.
3. Substituting Surface Area into the Energy Formula:
Since the air bubble has one surface area when it is inside the soap solution, we can substitute A into the surface energy formula:
4. Final Expression for Surface Energy:
Therefore, the surface energy E of the air bubble can be expressed as:
Final Answer:
The surface energy of an air bubble of radius r inside a soap solution with surface tension T is:
The surface energy E of a bubble is related to the surface tension T and the change in surface area ΔA of the bubble. The formula for surface energy is given by:
An air bubble is spherical in shape. The surface area A of a sphere is calculated using the formula:
where r is the radius of the bubble.
Since the air bubble has one surface area when it is inside the soap solution, we can substitute A into the surface energy formula:
Therefore, the surface energy E of the air bubble can be expressed as:
The surface energy of an air bubble of radius r inside a soap solution with surface tension T is:
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