Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Let f(x)={x24x+3,x<3x4,x3and
Describe the function f/g and find its domain.

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To solve the problem, we need to describe the function f/g and find its domain. Let's break this down step by step.

Step 1: Define the Functions
We have two piecewise functions:
- f(x)={x24x+3if x<3x4if x3

- g(x)={x3if x<4x2+2x+2if x4

Step 2: Identify the Cases for f/g
To find f/g, we need to consider the cases for f(x) and g(x).

1. Case 1: x<3
- Here, f(x)=x24x+3
- For g(x), since x<3, we have g(x)=x3.
- Thus, f(x)g(x)=x24x+3x3.

2. Case 2: x3
- Here, we need to consider two subcases for g(x):
- Subcase 2.1: 3x<4
- f(x)=x4
- g(x)=x3
- Thus, f(x)g(x)=x4x3.

- Subcase 2.2: x4
- f(x)=x4
- g(x)=x2+2x+2
- Thus, f(x)g(x)=x4x2+2x+2.

Step 3: Combine the Cases
Now we can write the function f/g as:

x24x+3x3if x<3x4x3if 3x<4x4x2+2x+2if x4

Step 4: Find the Domain of f/g
To find the domain of f/g, we need to ensure that g(x)0 in each case.

1. For x<3:
- g(x)=x3 is zero at x=3. Since we are considering x<3, this case is valid for all x<3.

2. For 3x<4:
- g(x)=x3 is zero at x=3. Therefore, x=3 is excluded from the domain.
- Valid for 3<x<4.

3. For x4:
- g(x)=x2+2x+2 is a quadratic function that is always positive (as its discriminant 22412<0). Thus, it never equals zero.
- Valid for x4.

Final Domain
Combining all these, the domain of f/g is:

The function f/g is defined as:

x24x+3x3if x<3x4x3if 3<x<4x4x2+2x+2if x4

And the domain is (,3)(3,4)(4,).
