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Why do aquatic species feel more comfortable in the lakes in winter than in summer ?

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding the Question:
- The question asks why aquatic species are more comfortable in lakes during winter compared to summer.

2. Key Concept - Solubility of Gases:
- The solubility of gases, such as oxygen, in water is influenced by temperature. Specifically, the solubility of gases decreases as the temperature increases.

3. Temperature Effects:
- In winter, the water temperature in lakes is lower. This lower temperature allows more oxygen to dissolve in the water.
- Conversely, in summer, the water temperature is higher, which leads to a decrease in the solubility of oxygen in the water.

4. Oxygen Availability:
- Aquatic species, such as fish and other organisms, rely on dissolved oxygen for respiration. Therefore, when the water is colder in winter, there is more dissolved oxygen available for these species.

5. Conclusion:
- As a result, aquatic species feel more comfortable in winter due to the higher availability of dissolved oxygen in the colder water compared to the warmer water in summer.

Final Answer:
Aquatic species feel more comfortable in lakes during winter than in summer because cold water has a higher solubility for oxygen, allowing more oxygen to be available for these species to breathe.

