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Matching the imformation given in the three columns of the following table.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3(Metals)(Name of Ore)Name of composition of Ore(I) Cu(i) Glauberite(P) Nitre(II) K(ii) Chlorargyrite(Q) Glauber's salt(III) Ag(iii) Indian salt petre(R) Fool's gold(IV) Na(iv) Chalcopyrite(S) Horn silver
Which of the following option is incorrect ?


(II) (iii) (P)


(I) (iv) (R)


(IV (iv) (P)


(III) (ii) (S)

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The correct Answer is:C

To solve the problem of matching the information given in the three columns, we will analyze each column and find the correct matches for the metals, ores, and their compositions.

1. Identify the Metals and Their Corresponding Ores:
- Cu (Copper): The ore for copper is Chalcopyrite.
- K (Potassium): The ore for potassium is Indian Salt Petre.
- Ag (Silver): The ore for silver is Chlorargyrite.
- Na (Sodium): The ore for sodium is Glauberite.

2. Identify the Composition of Each Ore:
- Chalcopyrite: The composition is CuFeS2 (Copper Iron Sulphide).
- Indian Salt Petre: The composition is KNO3 (Potassium Nitrate).
- Chlorargyrite: The composition is AgCl (Silver Chloride).
- Glauberite: The composition is Na2CaSO4·2H2O (Sodium Calcium Sulphate).

3. Match Each Metal with Its Ore and Composition:
- (I) Cu matches with (iv) Chalcopyrite and composition (R) Fool's Gold (though Fool's Gold is actually Pyrite, we will clarify this later).
- (II) K matches with (iii) Indian Salt Petre and composition (P) Nitre.
- (III) Ag matches with (ii) Chlorargyrite and composition (S) Horn Silver.
- (IV) Na matches with (i) Glauberite and composition (Q) Glauber's salt.

4. List the Matches:
- Cu → Chalcopyrite → Fool's Gold (R)
- K → Indian Salt Petre → Nitre (P)
- Ag → Chlorargyrite → Horn Silver (S)
- Na → Glauberite → Glauber's salt (Q)

5. Identify the Incorrect Match:
- The match for Cu with Chalcopyrite is correct, but the composition given as Fool's Gold is incorrect. Fool's Gold refers to Pyrite (FeS2), not Chalcopyrite.
- Therefore, the incorrect option is (I) Cu with (iv) Chalcopyrite and (R) Fool's Gold.

The incorrect match is:
- (I) Cu with (iv) Chalcopyrite and composition (R) Fool's Gold.

Updated on:7/8/2024

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