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Predict the relative acidic strength among the following:

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To predict the relative acidic strength among the compounds HI, HIO₄, and ICl, we will analyze their ability to donate protons (H⁺) and the stability of their corresponding conjugate bases.

1. Identify the Compounds: We have three compounds to compare: HI, HIO₄, and ICl.

2. Understand Acidic Strength: The acidic strength of a compound is determined by its ability to donate a proton (H⁺). The more stable the conjugate base formed after the donation of H⁺, the stronger the acid.

3. Determine the Conjugate Bases:
- For HI: The conjugate base is I⁻.
- For HIO₄: The conjugate base is IO₄⁻.
- For ICl: ICl does not have a typical conjugate base because it does not donate H⁺ in the same manner as the other two.

4. Analyze the Stability of Conjugate Bases:
- I⁻ (from HI): This ion is relatively stable but does not have significant resonance stabilization.
- IO₄⁻ (from HIO₄): This ion is resonance stabilized due to the presence of multiple oxygen atoms, allowing for delocalization of charge, which enhances its stability.
- ICl: As mentioned, ICl does not donate H⁺ and behaves more like a Lewis acid due to its vacant d-orbitals, which means it does not have a conjugate base in the traditional sense.

5. Compare Acidity:
- Since IO₄⁻ is more stable than I⁻ due to resonance, HIO₄ is a stronger acid than HI.
- ICl, being less acidic and acting more like a Lewis acid, is the weakest among the three.

6. Final Order of Acidity:
- The order of acidic strength is: HIO₄ > HI > ICl.

Summary of the Solution:
- HIO₄ is the strongest acid due to the resonance stabilization of its conjugate base (IO₄⁻).
- HI is less acidic than HIO₄ but more acidic than ICl.
- ICl is the least acidic as it does not donate H⁺ in the same way.
