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Explain why water is a Lewis as well as Bronsted base

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Step-by-Step Solution:

Step 1: Understanding Lewis Bases
- A Lewis base is defined as a substance that can donate a pair of electrons to form a covalent bond.
- Water (H₂O) has two lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom, which allows it to donate these pairs.

Step 2: Water as a Lewis Base
- Since water can donate one of its lone pairs, it qualifies as a Lewis base.
- For example, in a reaction with a Lewis acid (like BF₃), water can donate a lone pair to form a bond, thus acting as a Lewis base.

Step 3: Understanding Brønsted Bases
- A Brønsted base is defined as a substance that can accept protons (H⁺ ions).
- Water can accept a proton to form hydronium ion (H₃O⁺).

Step 4: Water as a Brønsted Base
- When water reacts with an acid (like HCl), it can accept a proton:
- This reaction shows that water acts as a Brønsted base because it accepts a proton.

- Water is a Lewis base because it can donate a pair of electrons, and it is a Brønsted base because it can accept protons. Thus, water exhibits both properties.

