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What is the function of pH adjusters in cosmetics?

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of pH Adjusters:
pH adjusters are chemicals used in cosmetic formulations to modify the pH level of the product.

2. Understanding pH:
The term pH stands for "potential of hydrogen." It is a scale that measures the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, where:
- A pH less than 7 indicates acidity.
- A pH of 7 is neutral.
- A pH greater than 7 indicates alkalinity.

3. Importance of pH in Cosmetics:
The pH of cosmetic products is crucial because it affects the product's stability, effectiveness, and safety. Different skin types may react differently to varying pH levels, so maintaining an appropriate pH is essential for skin compatibility.

4. Function of pH Adjusters:
The primary function of pH adjusters in cosmetics is to ensure that the product has an optimal pH level for its intended use. This helps in:
- Enhancing the product's stability.
- Improving the efficacy of active ingredients.
- Ensuring skin compatibility and minimizing irritation.

5. Examples of pH Adjusters:
Common pH adjusters used in cosmetics include citric acid, sodium hydroxide, and lactic acid. These substances can either increase or decrease the pH of the formulation as needed.

6. Conclusion:
In summary, pH adjusters play a vital role in cosmetic formulations by modifying the pH to ensure product stability, effectiveness, and safety for users.

