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What are target molecules ?

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Target Molecules: Target molecules are specific molecules that play crucial roles in biological processes, particularly in metabolic pathways.

2. Key Role in Metabolic Pathways: These molecules are essential for various metabolic pathways, which are series of chemical reactions occurring within a cell.

3. Connection to Diseases: Target molecules are often associated with certain diseases. They can be the focus of drug design and therapeutic interventions because altering their function can help in treating diseases.

4. Types of Target Molecules: The primary types of target molecules include:
- Carbohydrates: These are organic compounds that serve as energy sources and structural components in cells.
- Proteins: These are large biomolecules made up of amino acids and play numerous roles in the body, including acting as enzymes, hormones, and structural components.
- Nucleic Acids: These are molecules like DNA and RNA that carry genetic information and are essential for the replication and expression of genes.

5. Importance in Drug Development: Understanding target molecules is crucial for the development of pharmaceuticals, as drugs are often designed to interact with these molecules to modify their activity and thus treat diseases.
