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Outline the synthesis of 2-methylpentane starting with 1-bromopropane and 2-bromopropane.

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To synthesize 2-methylpentane starting from 1-bromopropane and 2-bromopropane, we will utilize the Wurtz reaction, which allows us to combine alkyl halides to form higher alkanes. Here’s a step-by-step outline of the synthesis:

Step 1: Identify the Structures of the Reactants
1. 1-bromopropane (C3H7Br): The structure is CH2Br-CH2-CH3.
2. 2-bromopropane (C3H7Br): The structure is CH3-CHBr-CH3.

Step 2: Write the Wurtz Reaction
The Wurtz reaction involves the reaction of two alkyl halides with sodium metal in dry ether to form a higher alkane. The general reaction can be represented as:
Where R is the alkyl group and X is the halogen.

Step 3: Combine the Alkyl Halides
Using our specific alkyl halides:
The reaction can be written as:
CH2Br-CH2-CH3+CH3-CHBr-CH3+2Nadry ether−−−−2-methylpentane+2NaBr

Step 4: Form the Product
In the reaction, the bromine atoms will be eliminated, and the alkyl groups will combine to form 2-methylpentane:
- The CH2 from 1-bromopropane and the CH from 2-bromopropane will connect, forming the backbone of the new alkane.
- The final structure of 2-methylpentane is:

Step 5: Write the Final Reaction Equation
The complete reaction can be summarized as:
CH2Br-CH2-CH3+CH3-CHBr-CH3+2Nadry ether−−−−C5H12+2NaBr
Where C5H12 is the molecular formula for 2-methylpentane.

Summary of the Synthesis
By using the Wurtz reaction, we can successfully synthesize 2-methylpentane from 1-bromopropane and 2-bromopropane.

