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Find the average kinetic energy per molecule at temperature T for an equimolar mixture of two ideal gases A and B, where A is monoatmic and B is diamtomic.

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To find the average kinetic energy per molecule at temperature T for an equimolar mixture of two ideal gases A (monoatomic) and B (diatomic), we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the Degrees of Freedom:
- For a monoatomic ideal gas (Gas A), the number of degrees of freedom (f) is 3 (translational motion).
- For a diatomic ideal gas (Gas B), the number of degrees of freedom (f) is 5 (3 translational + 2 rotational).

2. Calculate Average Degrees of Freedom:
- Since the mixture is equimolar, we can take the average of the degrees of freedom of both gases.
- Average degrees of freedom, favg=fA+fB2=3+52=82=4.

3. Use the Kinetic Energy Formula:
- The average kinetic energy (KE) per molecule for an ideal gas is given by the formula:
- Here, k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature in Kelvin.

4. Substitute the Average Degrees of Freedom:
- Substitute favg=4 into the kinetic energy formula:

5. Final Result:
- Therefore, the average kinetic energy per molecule at temperature T for the equimolar mixture of gases A and B is:

The average kinetic energy per molecule for the equimolar mixture of a monoatomic gas A and a diatomic gas B at temperature T is 2kT.
