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Which of the following react with NaHCO3 and evolved CO2 gas









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To determine which compounds react with sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO₃) to evolve carbon dioxide (CO₂) gas, we need to consider the nature of the compounds involved. Sodium bicarbonate is a weak base and reacts with strong acids to produce CO₂, water, and a salt.

1. Identify the Nature of Sodium Bicarbonate:
- Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO₃) is a weak base. It reacts with strong acids to produce carbon dioxide gas (CO₂).

2. Identify the Compounds:
- We need to analyze the given compounds to see which ones are strong acids. Strong acids will have the ability to donate protons (H⁺) easily.

3. Analyze the First Compound:
- Consider the first compound, which is benzoic acid (C₆H₅COOH).
- Benzoic acid has a carboxylic acid functional group (-COOH) and is a weak acid. However, if there are strong electron-withdrawing groups (like nitro groups) attached to the aromatic ring, they can increase the acidity of the compound.
- If the compound has three nitro groups (–NO₂), it will significantly increase the acidity due to the –I (inductive) and –M (mesomeric) effects of the nitro groups. Therefore, this compound will react with NaHCO₃ and evolve CO₂.

4. Analyze the Second Compound:
- The second compound is phenol (C₆H₅OH).
- Phenol is a weak acid and does not have strong electron-withdrawing groups to enhance its acidity. Therefore, it will not react with NaHCO₃ to evolve CO₂.

5. Analyze the Third Compound:
- The third compound has a methyl group (–CH₃) attached to the aromatic ring.
- The methyl group is an electron-donating group (+I effect), which decreases the acidity of the compound. Hence, it will not react with NaHCO₃ to produce CO₂.

6. Conclusion:
- Among the compounds analyzed, only the first compound with three nitro groups is sufficiently acidic to react with sodium bicarbonate and evolve CO₂ gas.

Final Answer:
The compound that reacts with NaHCO₃ and evolves CO₂ gas is the first compound (with three nitro groups).
