What are the various functions of abscisic acid ?
Text Solution
Functions of the abscisic-acid are as follows :
i) Controlled growth : ABA controls the plant growth by regulating the growth promoting hormones. It is also known as antigibberellic,hormone
ii) Cambium-activity : ABA inhibits the cambium,activity during winter.
iii) Flowering :ABA promotes flowering in short day plants.
iv) Parthenocarpy : It induces parthenocarpic development in rose.
v) Inhibition of growth : ABA: is powerful growth inhibitor. It can inhibit the gibberellin stimulated growth.
vi) Seed development and germination : ABA inhibits the formation of germinating enzymes in the embryo. ABA can inhibit the seed-germination even in the presence of gibberellins and cytokinins.
vii) Geotropism :.ABA controls the geotropic responses of roots.
viii) Stomatal closing : Abscisic acid causes the closing of stomata.
ix) Resistance : ABA increases the resistance of plants against cold.
x) Role in water stress : ABA plays an important role during water stress and drought conditions. It results loss of turgor and closure of stomata.
xi) Senescence: ABA promotes the senescence in leaves by decreasing photosynthesis by the loss of chlorophyll.
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