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Write a short note on salivary glands.

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Human beings have three pairs of salivary glands :
(i) Parotid glands
These are the largest salivary glands. They lie on the sides of face, just below and infront of the ears. The duct of parotid gland is called Stenson.s ducts. It opens into the vestibule just opposite the second molar teeth.
(ii) Sublingual glands
It is a pair of small sized salivary glands. These glands are located in the lower jaw below the tongue. They have several ducts, called ducts of Rivinus.
(iii) Submaxillary glands
It is also known as submandibular glands. These are medium sized salivary glands. They are located at the angles of the lower jaw. The submandibular glands open into the oral cavity through duct called Wharton.s ducts. They open under the tongue near the lower central incisors.
