Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Derive an expression for electric potential at any point due to an electric dipole. Show that the potential at a point on the equitorial line of an electric dipole is zero.

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Consider an electric dipole AB consisting of two charges -q and +q. Let P be the point where we have to calculate the electric potential and O be the centre of dipole.
Let OP=r, BOP=θ and AB=2a.
Let BP=r1 and AP=r2.
The potential at point P due to +q charge is given by
The potential at point P due to -q charge is given by
or V2=14πε0qr2...........(ii)
According to superposition principle the net potential at point P is given by
or V=14πεoln0qr114πε0qr2 [using equations (i) and (ii)]
or V=q4πε0[1r11r2]............(iii)
Now draw AC perpendicular to extended segment of PO and BD perpendicular to PO as shown in the figure.
In ΔAOC, cosθ=OCOAOC=OAcosθ=acosθ
In ΔBOD, cosθ=ODOBOD=OBcosθ=acosθ
Now r1=BPPD=OPOD=racosθ...........(iv)
r2=APCP=OP+OC=r+acosθ .................(v)
Using equations (iv) and (v) , equation (iii) becomes
or V=q4πε0[2acosθr2a2cos2θ]=14πε0[(q×2a)cosθr2a2cos2θ]
or V=14πε0[pcosθr2a2cos2θ] [p=q×2a]..........(vi)
(i) Axial Line : When point P is on axial line , then θ=0.
So equation (vi) becomes
(ii) Equatorial Line : When point P is on equatorial line, then θ=90, so equation (vi) becomes
So electric potential on equatorial line is zero.
