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Explain the formation of n-type and p-type semiconductor by adding the suitable impurity to pure semiconductor.

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n-type semiconductor
When pentavalent impurity atoms are added to pure germanium or silicon crystal, we get an extrinsic semiconductor known as n-type semiconductor. When pentavalent impurity atom, say, arsenic is added to the silicon crystal, it replaces one of the silicon atom. This arsenic atom forms foru covalent bonds by sharing it foru electrons with the neighbourgin silicon atoms. THe fifth valence electron of arsenic remains free. This electron is loosely bounded to its parent nucleus and is detached even at room temperature. Now it becomes a free electron. In this way a large number of free electrosn are available in the crystal when small amount of arsenic is added to silicon crystal. This type of crystal has large number of electrons and hecne it is called n-type semiconductor.
The majority charge cariers are electrons and minority charge carriers ar holes in n-type semicondictor.
p-type semiconductor: When trivalent impurity is added to pure germanium or silicon crystal, we get p- type semiconductor.
When trivalent impurity atom, say, indium is added to silicon crystal, it replaces on of the Si atom. This indium atom forms three covalent bonds with the neighbourign silicon atoms. The fourth bond remains incomplete which has a deficiency of one electron. This deficiency of an electron is called hole and behaves like a positively charged particle. This hole attracts the electrons from neighbouring covalent bond to fill itself. Now a new hole is created. In this way large number of holes are formed by adding indium atoms in silicon crystal. This type of crystal having large number of holes or positive charge carrirers is called p-type semiconductor. The majority charge carriers are holes and minority charge carriers are electrons in p-type semiconductor.
